Save the Date & Call for Papers
Monday 25th September 2017

This one-day conference has been designed by ECRs for ECRs with the aim of providing opportunities for networking, learning, and building a community of support for ECRs at La Trobe University.
What's on for this year’s conference?
Supported by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research Professor Keith Nugent, we have planned an exciting and diverse programme for the 2017 conference:- Delegates will have opportunities to put questions to a panel of La Trobe’s research executive and senior management teams on issues most relevant to ECRs;
- Two invited external keynote speakers will lead us through their research career journeys with lots of tips and ideas on how to carve out a career in research;
- A futurist panel will lead discussion on what the future looks like for ECRs;
- Lightning round presentations from ECRs will bring delegates up to speed on the range of research that is occurring across the University.
Last year’s conference was attended by over 70 people who gathered to hear from University senior management on ECR-specific issues and to learn about how the Research Focus Areas (RFAs) fund ECRs. One of the highlights of the conference was the sandboxing activity, where delegates worked in teams to compete for a $1000 prize! Participant feedback was positive and informative: delegates said it was useful to hear from research leaders at the university and they enjoyed to opportunity to present their own work.
What is an ECR?
ECRs are typically Level A/B staff within 7 full-time years post-PhD, excluding career interruptions such as non-research employment, part-time status and personal leave (e.g. parenting). Mid to late stage PhDs are welcome to apply, as well as honorary LTU staff.Are you an early career researcher at La Trobe University? Get involved!
We invite you to submit an abstract to deliver a lighting talk (<4 minutes). This is an exciting opportunity to showcase your work to researchers from across La Trobe’s Colleges and campuses. We welcome abstracts that are related to your research or, you can submit a more lateral abstract about an aspect of your community or service engagement, e.g., how you have formed collaborations, your experience of writing for non-academic audiences, your thoughts on applying for grants.For all abstract submissions, remember you will be writing for researchers who are possibly not experts in your field so it is best to avoid all professional jargon and acronyms. Further details, including an abstract template and abstracts from the 2016 conference, will be available soon on the website.
Travelling from a regional campus?
Contact the conference committee for information on how we can help fund your travel to the conference.Interested? Here’s how to register
Conference registration is free and the event is fully catered. However, spaces are limited. Registration will be open from early August. Please email the Research Education and Development (RED) team’s Emma Curtis-Bramwell ( to join the ECR mailing list and be kept informed of all the news!Funding is available to assist with travel to La Trobe’s Melbourne campus. We strongly encourage ECRs from regional campuses to submit an abstract. If you're interested in accessing a travel bursary, please contact
Key information
- When: Monday 25th September 2017 9am-4pm
- Where: Bundoora Campus · Registration: via Eventbrite
Key information for abstract submission
- Abstract submission deadline: 5pm Friday 25th August
- Word limit: 200 words max · Abstract submission: Please send to with subject line ‘2017 Abstract’
- Feedback on your abstract: Early September
Questions? Contact the ECR Networking committee:
We look forward to welcoming you on 25th September!
2017 ECR Network Committee members:
- Dr Sarah Hayes (ASSC)
- Dr Marcella Carragher (SHE)
- Dr Hannah Schurholz (Hallmark Program)
- Dr Prue Atkins (SHE)
- Dr Matt Meredith-Williams (ASSC)
- Dr Leah Kivivali (SHE)
- Dr Clarice Tang (SHE)